
Fuel up on Caltex StarCard benefits – Control. Convenience. Security.

We don’t believe one size fits all, which is why we’ve developed the Caltex StarCard to be fully adaptable to your fleet management needs. Keeping you in the know of your fleet’s expenditures, and providing control and convenience in managing your business, Caltex StarCard allows for a variety of management and usage options – proving to be the smarter choice for any business owner.

Full control

You decide who gets to use the Caltex StarCard, what can be purchased – fuel, motor oil, lubricants or snacks – and with a pre-set limit, determine just how much can be spent.

Completely secure

All StarCard transactions performed by your fleet is verified and recorded to prevent fraud or abuse. There is PIN authorisation for added protection.

Online billing statements

Monitor fleet expenditure with no tedious paperwork. Receive itemized records of your fleet’s month-to-date transactions by vehicle and/or employee, and measure fleet efficiency at a glance.

Interest-free credit

The StarCard allows you to efficiently manage your cash flow with up to 30 days of no interest credit depending on agreed billing cycle.

Free membership

Caltex StarCard is absolutely free — no annual fee, no subscription fee and no card replacement fee.

Discounts and privileges

$1 off Caltex Car Wash at selected Caltex stations


Advantages Reimbursement Scheme Fixed Transport Allowance StarCard
Pay only for purchases – Free membership with no set-up fees, transaction fees, and annual fees
Customise purchase limits by type of fuel, daily and monthly dollar or volume usage
Benefit of GST claimable (for GST registered vehicles under company)
Choice to earn loyalty points
Savings for company on non-usage consumption
More organised, streamlined paperwork
Monthly itemised report (optional E-Statement or Hard Copy Statement)
Not liable to employee’s CPF contribution
Fixed bugeted amount for ease of business planning
Control fraud with real-time, purchase monthly reporting
Not subjected to Personal Income Tax
Time saving with one single report with itemised details by card/vehicle/driver and department (optional)
Fixed discount (for easy accounting)
Businesses can choose their preferred fuel
Online account management (convenience of data download into excel format at any point of time)
Interest-Free Credit Term of 30 days
No up-front payment
Savings for company on overall fuel expenses by eliminating unauthorised spending and improving efficiency
Terms and conditions

Sign Up With Us

To sign up, kindly fill up the application form below:

Application for Corporate
Application for Corporate

Please enter the security code:
security code
Security Code:

Submit Application

For hardcopy form submission, kindly Download Application Form here.

Mode of payment is via Giro only. Kindly Download OPEC Giro Form here.

Note: The above promotion/offers/services are copyright of Chevron Corporation.